Are you a steroid abuser? Be prepared for these side effects

Are you a steroid abuser? Be prepared for these side effects
Musing steroids without doctor's advice can lead to severe consequences. © Shutterstock

Recent research reveals that men misuse steroids for stronger muscles and higher fitness quotient. You may face dire health consequences if you use steroids without doctor's prescription.

Written by Editorial Team |Published : May 23, 2019 8:52 PM IST

We all have heard of athletes using steroids to boost their performance. But several surveys indicate that steroids have non-athlete takers too. It has been found that men who hit the gym, especially weight lifters, misuse these synthetic drugs if used indiscriminately without prescription. This is a phenomenon more common to men than women. It is pertinent to mention here that taking steroids without prescription is illegal in most parts of the world. However, it seems that law hasn't been able to successfully curb steroid abuse. A study featured in the European Society of Endocrinology's annual meeting, the researchers revealed that in order to get a strong physique and bulky muscles, men are taking high doses of anabolic steroids, despite knowing the health consequences associated with it. Anabolic steroid mimics the actions of male sex hormone testosterone.

During the study, the researchers accounted for 550 anonymous male participants who were regular gym goers. Out of all the participants, 30.4 per cent admitted using steroids while 70.2 per cent of them were aware of side effects associated with the use of steroids. The age group of steroid users was between 22 to 35 years.

Apart from anabolic steroid, there is another type of this synthetic drug. They are known as catabolic steroids. These steroids are normally used to suppress the functions of an overactive immune system leading to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. As opposed to anabolic steroids, the catabolic version may weaken your muscles.

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Your doctor may prescribe these steroids in case you are suffering from anaemia or your body is unable to produce testosterones efficiently. Even in some cancers and stage 3 HIV infection, also known as AIDS, your physician may recommend the use of steroids. They are usually administered to a patient orally or through injection in the veins. When these drugs make an entry into your body, they travel through your bloodstream to your tissues. Here, they interact with your DNA and initiate a protein synthesis process to enhance cell development. Steroids lower your body s ability to produce inflammatory chemicals in order to limit tissue damage.

Apart from anaemia and depleted testosterone levels, anabolic steroids, like catabolic steroids, are used to treat autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Steroid is proved to be effective against pain. Doctors don't recommend this drug to healthy adults for the sake of muscle building.


Measured doses of prescribed steroids work wonders for various health complications. However, musing these drugs without doctor's advice can lead to severe consequences. The most common anabolic steroids that men take include anadrol, oxandrin, dianabol, winstrol, deca-durabolin, and equipoise. Abusers increase the dose by 10 to 100 times higher than the prescribed amount. In these cases, there is no medical reason behind the increase. Here, we tell you about the possible side effects of steroid abuse.

Leads to hormonal imbalance

Hormone plays a major role in retaining feminine traits in girls and masculine traits in boys. Steroid abuse can wreak havoc in your hormonal balance leading to various health complications. For men, reduced sperm count and narrowing of genitals is one of the most common problems that comes along with steroid abuse while for females, hair growth in unwanted places can be the prominent side effect. Several surveys have shown that steroid abusers use more than two types of steroid at a time.

Causes vision impairment

If you have been previously diagnosed with cataract (clouding of the lens of your eyes) or glaucoma (a set of eye-related problems that can cause vision loss), then you should consult your ophthalmologist before taking steroids. In a study published in the British Journal of General Practice, the researchers noted that patients suffering from eczema, who were being treated with steroids were more likely to develop vision problems as compared to those who were treated without steroid usage.

Increases your blood sugar levels

A surge in your blood sugar levels is another common side effect that can occur if you overdo steroids. According to a study published in the journal Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, use of steroids for medicinal use can increase the possibility of steroid-induced diabetes. This happens because these drugs impair your glucose tolerance capacity. A compromised glucose tolerance retains sugar for a prolonged period of time in your blood, resulting in elevated levels of blood glucose.

May lead to extreme mood swings

Steroids can affect the limbic system of your brain which is responsible for your mood and emotions. Going overboard with steroids often leads to depression and causes delusions and hallucinations. In some cases, violent or aggressive behaviour is also associated with steroids abuse. In a study published in the Journal of Substance Use, frequent intake of steroids can cause sudden changes in your mood. However, further studies are required to completely understand the role of steroids in mood swings. According to some estimates, consuming more than 30 micrograms of steroid per day can make you feel anxious or irritable.


Can disturb your sleep cycle

If you are a regular steroid user, you might have experienced problems in falling asleep on various occasions. This happens because the drug travels through your bloodstream and reaches your nervous system making it difficult for you to fall asleep. According to a study which featured in the Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, chronic consumption of steroids can lead to a change in your appetite and lead to sleep disorders like insomnia. The study included 550 participants (who were frequently taking steroids) out of whom 73 per cent admitted that they were suffering from insomnia.