Indian Penis Size Survey

Indian Penis Size Survey

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : September 25, 2014 1:00 PM IST

Indian penis size surveyLet's face the facts every male on this planet is bothered about his penis. A day doesn't go by without our Q&A section getting at least one query pertaining to the penis how to get harder erections, avoid premature ejaculation, beat erectile dysfunction, questions about average penile length and girth, penis enlargement methods the list goes on and on.

While surveys to measure penis length and/or girth have been carried out extensively across the world, there hasn't been any survey for Indian men. There is no consensus on what's the average penis size in India. This has led to many, many men believing that they are not big enough. To address this alarming situation the SSS Centre for Sexual Health and Health.india.com presents the completely anonymous Penis Size Survey. Designed by sexual health physician and therapist Dr Vijayasarathi Ramanathan the survey is completely anonymous and will not ever ask for your identity. So let's take this survey and find out the truth!

Click here to find out the results

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