Yoga to prepare your body for labour and ensure a comfortable delivery

Yoga to prepare your body for labour and ensure a comfortable delivery

These asanas will make your pelvic muscles and thigh muscles stronger to combat the stress of labour.

Written by Tania Tarafdar |Updated : March 3, 2017 6:09 PM IST

A pregnant body always deserves a little extra TLC. Your body expands and prepares for the most beautiful process a human body can endure. Here are must-perform yoga moves recommended by prenatal yoga expert Radhika Sehra for a smooth labour.

Supta baddha konasana or reclined bound angle pose: Often it s the thigh muscle that gets fatigued during labour, and that s when a doctor decides to go for a C-section delivery. This asana makes your pelvic muscles and thigh muscles stronger to combat the stress of labour.


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Steps to perform: Sit on a yoga mat and stretch your legs out in front of you. Now bend both your legs at the knees. The soles of your feet should face each other. Pull your legs in to make the heels touch each other. From this position, lean backwards and bring your elbows to the floor. You can place a blanket as a support below your back. Lower your back to the floor and hold this position for a few minutes. To get out of the pose, roll over to your right side and sit up slowly. You can also use your hands as a support to get up. These 9 practical tips will help you through a normal delivery.

Utthita trikonasana or extended triangle pose: The pelvic floor muscles in combination with the gluteus medius are called upon during the second stage of labour for pushing. This asana will develop strength and flexibility in these muscles.

Extended triangle

Steps to perform: Keep two feet distance between the legs and breathing in slowly, raise your left hand upward keeping the right hand for support over the right leg. Hold for 3 to 10 seconds and breathing out bring your left hand down slowly. Repeat if comfortable.

Baddha konasana or butterfly pose: This pose will stretch your inner thighs and hip joints and aid in easy labour. This pose will also help you stay relaxed during delivery.The butterfly pose is best performed during the second and third trimester.

Butterfly pose

Step to perform: Keep a cushion under your lower back, sit with your legs outstretched on the mat. Breathe in and fold your knees to keep the soles of your feet together. Ensure that your spine is erect and you are comfortable. Hold for a few seconds as you take deep breaths. Slowly over a few days of practice, bring your feet closer to your body and gently move your knees up and down resembling the movement of a butterfly as it flaps its wings. Remember these 4 do's and dont's of yoga during pregnancy.

Marjariasana or cat stretch: Practising the cat-camel pose will help release spinal stress during labour. The asana will also contribute to stretch out your hamstrings and reduce lower back pain during pregnancy.

Cat-camel pose

Steps to perform: On your mat keep a cushion for support to your knees and go down on your hands and legs. Place your hands directly below your shoulder blades. Breathe in, and lift your head toward the ceiling. Make a concave with your lower back. Breathe out and release.

Alternating deep and shallow breathing: Corrective breathing can help in reducing stress levels, boost energy and help your baby grow and develop better. Adequate oxygen intake also promotes baby s health and vitality that helps the baby to cooperate better with the mother during labour.

fitness-deep breathing-THS

Steps to perform: Get into a comfortable position. Either sit down with your legs folded or stand erect keeping your feet parallel to each other. Relax your entire body, your jaw, hands, knees, hips and shoulders. Next, take one deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Exhale slowly taking the same amount of time. Then open your mouth wide and inhale air through your mouth counting up to five. After that close your mouth and repeat the deep breathing process. Repeat the entire cycle for five times at a stretch. Also, practice these prenatal yoga asanas to ease your pregnancy.

Read this in Hindi.

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