How to get pregnant with twins?

How to get pregnant with twins?

Wondering how to increase your chances of conceiving baby twins? Read this!

Written by Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti |Updated : August 24, 2017 9:44 AM IST

If you are planning to get pregnant and are thinking of having twins, then it is important to know about how twins are born first. While there are numerous misconceptions surrounding how to conceive twins, there are only a few factors that increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins. So before you know more about how to get pregnant with twins, read how twins are born.

How are twins born?

There are two types of twins -- monozygotic or identical twins and dizygotic or non-identical twins. Monozygotic twins, as the name goes by are formed when one egg is fertilised by one sperm but forms two separate embryos. Twins born in this way have the same genetic composition. Dizygotic twins are twins formed when two different sperms fertilise two different eggs. The kids born in this way are non-identical, meaning they do not share the same genetic composition. Also read about 8 things Indians should STOP saying about twins

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Here are a few things that can increase your chance to get pregnant with twins:

Family History/Genetics: Yes, if you have a family history of twins, then there is a high chance that you might conceive twins. This is because of the genetic predisposition. Also, if you are a twin yourself, then you are more likely to give birth to twin babies. However, it is likely that it is a maternal thing and does not hold any relation to the father's family history [1].

Height/weight: As shocking as it might seem, even your height and weight play a decisive role in the conception of twins. According to a study by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology [2], women who have a BMI of 30 or above have a high chance of conceiving twins. However, this holds true only for fraternal (dizygotic) twins. Moreover, it is also reported that taller woman has a high chance to conceive twins.

Maternal age: While it is a known fact that with age the chances of getting pregnant decreases, studies have proved that the chances of having twins increases as you age. This is because, as you age, the production of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), which plays a key role in the release of eggs from ovaries for ovulation, also increases. So as the number of eggs released increases, the chances of conceiving twins increases [3].

Oral contraceptives: Although oral contraceptives are known to prevent pregnancy, there is a high chance that you can conceive twins. This is because, when you stop taking pills, there are numerous hormonal changes that take place in the body during the first couple of cycle. And hence, the chances of getting pregnant with twins is high when on oral contraceptives. Read about birth control pills effectiveness, side-effects and health risks

Having been pregnant before/already have a set of twins: If you already have twins, then it goes without saying that the chances of getting pregnant with twins the next time is also high. Also, if you have been pregnant before and are planning to conceive for the second time, there is a likelihood that you might conceive twins.

IVF (in-vitro fertilisation): While all the above factors do not guarantee that you might conceive twins, chances of getting pregnant with twins is high if you opt for in-vitro fertilisation. In this procedure, eggs are fertilised outside the body and then transferred to the uterus. As this is an assisted procedure, it is possible to give birth to twins through IVF.

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  1. Hoekstra C, Zhao ZZ, Lambalk CB, Willemsen G, Martin NG, Boomsma DI, Montgomery GW. Dizygotic twinning. Hum Reprod Update. 2008 Jan-Feb;14(1):37-47. Review. PubMed PMID: 18024802.
  2. Reddy UM, Branum AM, Klebanoff MA. Relationship of maternal body mass index and height to twinning. Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Mar;105(3):593-7. PubMed PMID: 15738030.
  3. Dua M, Bhatia V, Malik S, Prakash V. ART outcome in young women with premature ovarian aging. Journal of Mid-Life Health. 2013;4(4):230-232. doi:10.4103/0976-7800.122257.

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