How Can Pollution Cause Congenital Disabilities? Explains Dr Rujul Jhaveri

How Can Pollution Cause Congenital Disabilities? Explains Dr Rujul Jhaveri

Dr Rujul Jhaveri shares the birth defects caused by air and noise pollution.

Written by Tavishi Dogra |Published : September 6, 2022 6:30 PM IST

PREGNANCY, POLLUTION AND BIRTH ANOMALIES: Since the birth of living beings on earth, the primary objective of each living species is to keep the genus surviving by reproducing and upbringing an evolved version compared to the previous one. Humans have significantly evolved from Dryopithecus, considered the first primate of the present-day human race. The continuity of evolution is the key to the survival of all. But this continuity of development is facing a challenge posed by the growth of human civilization itself. Human society has many pros, including agriculture, industry, technology, knowledge, and information. But there is a multitude of cons as well. And among all, pollution is the most threatening one.

Unborn human babies, in the gestation period, get all their oxygen and nutrition from the mother. Therefore, all the mother eats, feels, inhales, or encounters affects the unborn baby. Although India has reduced the rate of newborn mortality from one-third of newborns in 1990 to below one-fourth, birth-related defects are still a significant concern to all neonatologists. Dr Rujul Jhaveri, Consultant (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) SRCC Children's Hospital, managed by Narayana Health, shares the birth defects caused by air and noise pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution leads to adverse effects like higher infant mortality, low birth weight, impaired lung development, increased respiratory morbidity, and early alterations in immune development. In addition, air pollution is also linked to longer-term breathing issues, such as asthma and allergies. Also, there is increasing evidence of the adverse impact of prenatal exposure to air pollution on maternal health. People may not be able to control the levels of air pollution around their homes or workplace.

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Hence, simple steps to reduce the harmful effects of air pollution on pregnancy are:

  1. People who smoke can be asked to change their clothes before entering the house.
  2. Avoid going outside during very polluted times. Most local weather stations daily provide reports on air quality, specifically in polluted regions.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can affect maternal and fetal/neonatal outcomes. Noise exposure may result in sleep disturbances and increase stress. Stress affects fetal growth through the endocrine system by causing hormonal imbalances. Sleep disturbance is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Moreover, there is evidence of an increased risk of hypertension in women exposed to noise pollution, resulting in poor pregnancy outcomes. While avoiding noise at the workplace, one should ask the employer if one can work in a quieter place during pregnancy. You can also speak to your physician regarding possible risks at the workplace while ensuring the specification of being exposed to loud noise.

Simple steps that can be undertaken on a day-to-day basis to minimize the impact of noise pollution include:

  1. Noises you can feel as a rumble or vibration are shallow frequency sounds. These sounds travel through your body efficiently and may cause changes that could affect your developing baby.
  2. Hence these kinds of sounds should be avoided.
  3. Don't lean against or put your body in contact with a source of noise or vibration.