Why ADHD Might Go Undiagnosed In Girls?

Studies have shown that girls are more likely to remain undiagnosed for the condition owing to differences in the presentation of symptoms

Written by Kashish Sharma | Updated : November 21, 2022 1:31 PM IST


Not Just A Boys’ Disorder

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects mostly in childhood and if gone undiagnosed might later find a way into adulthood. People affected by the condition might have trouble paying attention and might find difficulty controlling impulsive behaviour. For years, the condition has been affecting both girls and boys but a notion has existed for a long that the condition only affects boys. As per reports, physicians diagnose ADHD more in male children than in females.


A Health Disparity

Studies have shown that girls are more likely to remain undiagnosed for the condition owing to differences in the presentation of symptoms. There are many types of the disorder. While boys mostly actively show hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour that could appear disruptive, girls usually have the inattentive type that might not appear that disruptive. Gender bias might also play a role here where traits like impulsivity and fast thinking might be taken as personality traits in women rather than symptoms.  Also Read - Weak Wrists Stopping You From Doing Daily Activities? These Exercises May Help


ADHD In Men Versus ADHD In Women

Factors that result in the misdiagnosis of the condition among girls are symptoms that are not very commonly associated with the condition. While the boys might show more disruptive behaviours at school and home, become hyperactive and impulsive and engage in physical aggression, however, girls affected might usually have a low sense of self-esteem, anxiety, and inattention and show more verbal aggression.


Things Girls With ADHD Might Do

ADHD in girls mostly manifests itself in form of inattention where they could be seen having difficulty concentrating, often being labelled as ‘chatty’, losing things and making careless mistakes. Some examples could be running behind in class when it comes to assignments, reading sentences over and over again, losing stationary or books, not listening to people attentively, and interrupting friends while talking and others. Also Read - Mango To Blueberry: Try These Healthy Spinach Smoothies For Your Kids


Girls Might Show Strong Emotions

Girls affected by the condition might experience strong emotions that might prevent them to think clearly about what they have to say. Impulsive aggression can be a symptom of the condition. The condition might prevent the affected people from effectively controlling their emotions and they are more likely to experience them strongly for instance strong anger bursts.