Perform this yoga flow before a big meal for good digestion

Hop on the yoga mat if you don't want bloating and other digestive issues after a big meal.

Written by Tania Tarafdar | Published : November 23, 2017 2:05 PM IST


Yoga Flow To Perform Before A Big Meal

If you are about to indulge in a huge festive meal, you know that you are going to chow down a lot and eat not-so-healthy foods only to throw your digestion completely out of whack. Yoga can do wonders for your digestion. So try this soothing yoga flow recommended by yoga expert Roshni Shah before you head for a huge meal to prevent all the discomfort.



Malasana or the garland pose: This asana is excellent to get rid of the uncomfortable intestinal gas. Coming to this intense pose can prevent bloating post meal.



Ardha matsyendrasana or seated spinal twist: This twisting asana can get things moving and also improve your circulation. Perform this asana to keep your digestive juices flowing.



Navasana or the boat pose: The boat pose focuses on stimulating your core for a healthy digestion. Engage the core to get the most out of this pose.