Dry And Flaky Skin? Here Are 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid

Avoiding certain mistakes this winter season can help you transform your skin health.

Written by Kinkini Gupta | Updated : November 28, 2022 7:51 PM IST


Dry And Flaky Skin? Here Are 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid

Dry skin can be very frustrating and equally difficult to maintain especially during winters. Dry skin can cause itchiness and flaking which just increases the inconvenience for all of us. During the winter season, the air becomes dry and that too does not help our skin, especially people who inherently have dry skin. So, find out what are the things you are doing wrong that is causing your skin to dry out even more.


Excess Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol causes severe dehydration which might also take a toll on your skin. One way you can prevent your skin from drying out is by constantly supplying your body with water as you drink or simply just stick to drinking a moderate amount of alcohol. This tip is only for people who enjoy drinking one or two glasses of alcohol during their free time. Also Read - The North Indian Diet May Increase Your Risk Of Hypertension, Cardiovascular Diseases And Kidney Problems: Study Explains How


Not Including Fish In Your Diet

Fishes are loaded with natural oils which do not just benefit health but also skin health. There are some specific fished that are exceptionally good for example, cold-water oily fish, contain DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids, or a variety of "healthy fats" that may support factors like cardiovascular, visual, and mental health.


Not Drinking Enough Water

Consider drinking water as a daily dose of medicine that can cure almost everything. When your body is dehydrated, it impacts your skin. Dry skin can become a persisting problem if you have the habit of forgetting to drink water during the day.


Not Including Collagen In Your Diet

Collagen is an ingredient that can be used in snacks or as supplements or even in drinks to boost skin health. Researchers say that there is a definite link between collagen intake and skin dryness. They state that, adding collagen to our diet can significantly improve our skins natural hydration and elasticity. Also Read - Protein Diet For Weight Loss In Women: Top 5 Salad Recipes To Lose Body Fat Faster