7 common causes of fatigue and tips to deal with it

If you feel tired or sleepy all the time, you need to try these tips today!

Written by Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti | Updated : July 29, 2015 8:49 AM IST



If you have been feeling tired all the time, don't blame it on your long day's work. It could be due to other reasons as well. So rather than nailing the cause of it, try these quick-fixes to get over it.


Skipping Meals

Not only lack of sleep, but skipping meals followed by unhealthy bingeing makes your blood sugar drop, which makes you tired. Ensure you eat a heavy breakfast and don't forget complex carbohydrates and fresh fruits.



If you are depressed, you might feel exhausted. And if this continues for a long time,, consult your doctor. With medication and talk therapy, you can overcome the condition and stop feeling tired all the time.


A cup or two of coffee might improve your alertness, but never overindulge as it might cause fatigue. Cut back your caffeine intake gradually and replace these drinks with fruit juice or fruits.