Cocaine addiction can cause erectile dysfunction and more

Cocaine or coke is the most used recreational drug in the world. It is also responsible for the highest number of drug overdose deaths. Read on to know the harmful effects of cocaine.

Written by Editorial Team | Updated : September 4, 2019 3:51 PM IST



Cocaine is derived from the Erythroxylon coca plant. This plant is mostly found in south America. In earlier days, people used to chew on the leaves of the plant for its stimulating effects. Nowadays, it is snorted, smoked, inhaled and injected into the veins. Cocaine or coke is a recreational drug, which stimulates the secretion of the ‘feel good’ hormones, dopamine and serotonin. This substance is used as a numbing agent in many surgeries. It is highly addictive and can be very dangerous for health, both physical and mental. It has been associated with strokes, lung problems, sleeping disorders, blood infection and cardiac deaths. Let us take a look at some of the health complications that may arise from cocaine use.


Blood Pressure

Blood pressure: Cocaine can trigger the body’s fight-or-flight response. It contracts the blood vessels and makes them thinner. But these vessels have to carry the same amount of blood. Hence, there is increased blood pressure because your heart will have to use extra force to push the blood through smaller blood vessels. Also Read - Vitamin D Deficiency in Kids: 5 Warning Signs of Low Vitamin D in Your Body


Dilated Pupils

Dilated pupils: The term cocaine eyes is very famous. It basically means a wide eyed look with dilated pupils. When a large amount of brain chemicals is released in the body, the eyes react by dilating the pupils.


Weight Loss

Weight loss: Though you may eat a lot during a cocaine trance, the body is unable to absorb the nutrients. This changes the protein levels in the body and leads to weight loss.