Avoid yelling at your child: It can cause chronic disorders

Parents want what is best for a child, which is why they often make the mistake of yelling at thier kids. But beware, it can lead to health disorders.

Written by Editorial Team | Updated : October 12, 2019 4:39 PM IST


Understand Developmental Stages

Whatever a man has to become becomes confident in the first 4 to 5 years. Only a few months after the birth of a child can it be decided what its place will be in life.


It Causes Behaviour Problems

It causes behaviour problems: According to the reseach, yelling only solves the behavioural issues at the moment. But you are creating more issues in the long run as yelling could make your kid’s behaviour even worse. The reseach states that 13 year olds, who were shouted at by thier parents, increase the level of thier bad behaviour in the following years. Also Read - Egg Freezing Process: By Freezing Your Eggs Now, You Are Preserving The Future


Changes The Way Their Brain Develops

Changes the way their brain develops: According to a study in the National Institute of Health, USA, in 2017, when the brain of a child with a history of parental verbal abuse was compared to children with no such history, it was seen that there was noticeable physical difference in the brain structure, especially in the region that moderates sounds and language. The reason for such change is because humans are built to process negative information more quickly than the good.


Can Lead To Depression

Can lead to depression: Apart from making a child sad, hurt and scared, yelling can cause deeper psychological issues. These might not hurt them now, but could harm them in their adulthood. According to a study in the National Institute of Health, USA, in 2016, it has been established that there is a connection between emotional abuse and depression. This connection could lead to the development of self-destructive actions, like drug use. Also Read - Weak Wrists Stopping You From Doing Daily Activities? These Exercises May Help


Effects On Physical Health

Effects on physical health: According a recent study in the National Institute of Health, USA, yelling at children can induce chronic stress in them, which could lead to the development of certain health problems as an adult.


Chronic Pain

Chronic pain: A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, has found a link between negative childhood experiences and development of painful chronic conditions in the later stage of life. Painful chronic conditions that can develop in children include arthritis, bad headaches, back and neck problems. Also Read - Mango To Blueberry: Try These Healthy Spinach Smoothies For Your Kids