5 reasons why you should stop drinking diet sodas right now

Diet sodas might look like a healthier option than having any other aerated drink, but health risks are worse than what you know. Here's why you need to take them off your shelf.

Written by Editorial Team | Published : October 23, 2019 9:51 AM IST


Diet Soda

diet soda, diet soda health hazards, diet soda health risks



Diabetes is one condition that doesn’t discriminate whether you are black or white, pauper or prince. This is proven by the fact that many of our beloved Bollywood celebrities too suffer from this condition. According to the International Diabetes Foundation, more than 72 million people have diabetes in India. Diabetes refers to the condition where the body fails to produce or absorb Insulin. Insulin is a hormone, which is responsible for breaking down glucose in the body in order to produce energy. It is easy to manage diabetes with simple lifestyle and dietary changes. Some people find it difficult to suppress their cravings for sugar. For them, here is a list of Bollywood celebrities who are successful in managing their diabetes along with their tough lifestyle and profession. Also Read - Healthy Tips: 7 Simple Strategies To Increase Your Daily Protein Intake


Supports Better Gut Health

Your gut’s microbiome is home to organisms and bacteria that significantly impact your health and happiness. Prebiotics, for instance, found in mushrooms, can be used to boost the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which is one of the ways to maintain your health.


Underlying Health Condition

Underlying health problems such as allergies and asthma can be the cause of chronic cough. These conditions can be triggered due to cold or change in environment. Acid reflux has also been linked to causing chronic cough. Cough caused by an underlying disease is usually accompanied by heartburn, burping and regurgitation.


Diet sodas may impact kidneys: Several studies have established link between diet soda consumption and deteriorating kidney function. Kidneys are important to flush out toxins from the body. Diet sodas may alter the functioning. Also Read - Unlocking The Secrets Of Brain Aging: RNA's Role Revealed