Survey suggests that too much “Good Cholesterol” may not be so good

Survey suggests that too much “Good Cholesterol” may not be so good
More than 30% are on higher risk of heart disease in Mumbai, says survey.© Shutterstock

Wockhardt hospitals, SOBO conduct study to check link between cholesterol and heart diseases and found out more than 30 per cent are on higher risk of heart disease in Mumbai.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : October 1, 2018 4:03 PM IST

On the eve of World Heart Day as a part of corporate social initiatives, Wockhardt Hospitals-Mumbai Central conducted more than 1000 health checkups camps covering different part of city - south Mumbai, central and western Mumbai. This included various housing societies and private and government corporate firms over a period of 2 years (2016-2018).

Eating habits and other lifestyle factors play a major role in determining the risk factor of heart diseases and may prevent or even reverse this condition. On occasion of World Heart Day, Wockhardt Hospitals conducted a study on lipid profile to examine the link between cholesterol and heart disease. The data can highlight the true picture of cholesterol and indirectly about the chance of heart attack which can happen.

Study was conducted by taking sample of 10595 people who underwent lipid profile test from 2016- 2018. Out of which 66 per cent male and 34 per cent female were screened to find out the risk factor of cardiovascular disease. It was observed that more than 30 per cent has high cholesterol level, in which 18 per cent are male and 12 per cent are female. Study shows that the women between the young age group of 36-50 year are on higher risk factor i.e. 18 per cent in compare with male, which are only 10 per cent.

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Also 5024 people were screened to check the LDL Cholesterol. It collects in the walls of your blood vessels, where it can cause blockages. Higher LDL levels put you at greater risk for a heart attack from a sudden blood clot that forms there. Important point is to note that out of 32 per cent female who were screened 21 per cent has High LDL cholesterol.

Next thing observed is HDL cholesterol is lower than the normal i.e. 32 per cent of 5024 people screened in the category, this is what increase the risk of heart diseases. 31 per cent female were screened to check HDL Cholesterol and the result was alarming. More than 12 per cent females are on major risk factor for developing heart disease. If good cholesterol to bad cholesterol or LDL to HDL ratio is alter or not favorable then there could be higher risk of stroke, heart attack & peripheral vascular Disease.

Another important finding from 5024 people for triglycerides was out of 39 per cent female screened, 10 per cent were found to have triglycerides level higher than normal. This may due to intake of fried food, lack of exercise, bad quality of oil used at home etc. which a unique feature of Indians and also a risk factor which need special attention with proper care.

Dr Pratik Soni, Consultant Cardiologist at Wockhardt Hospital, SOBO says, Cardiovascular disease is caused by a wide range of nutritional, lifestyle and environmental factors. Excessive stress, lack of proper exercise and diet are far more damaging to the heart than high total cholesterol.

Dr Saurabh Goel, Consultant, Cardiologist Wockhardt Hospital Mumbai central says, Indian have unique patterns of lipids which put them at higher risk of heart disease. Regular preventive checks up and appropriate therapy under medical supervision can go a long way in preventing heart disease and reducing risk to life.