Red Ribbon Express records 34,621 visitors in Chandigarh

Red Ribbon Express records 34,621 visitors in Chandigarh

Written by Admin |Published : December 15, 2012 9:11 AM IST

With the arrival of the Red Ribbon Express to Chandigarh Station, the records show that the Express has received 34,621 people in the three days it was stationed there. People from all walks of life thronged the railway station to get a glimpse of the unique train. The aim of this Campaign was to create HIV/AIDS awareness.

Project director, Dr Vanita Gupta,Chandigarh SACS, said that on the last day of the campaign, the Red Ribbon Express was visited by 11,464 people, including students, NSS volunteers, safai karamcharies, anganwadi workers and government employees. The Red Ribbon Express also hosted Training sessions, HIV tests and on-the-spot counselling that were equally popular.

The train began its journey on Dec 2007 and covered 180 stations across 24 states reaching about 6.2 million people across the country. Phase 2 began on Dec 1, 2009 and the train stopped at 152 stations across 22 states. During the current phase 3, the train will stop at 162 stations across 23 states.

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