Now, 'Making Sense of Sugar' campaign will debunk sugar myths

Now, 'Making Sense of Sugar' campaign will debunk sugar myths

Written by Agencies |Published : September 21, 2014 11:27 AM IST

Myths about sugarAs obesity and sugar related problems are faced by a huge number of people, a new campaign has been launched to inform and educate people about sugar and the role it can play as part of a healthy balanced diet.

Based on robust science and facts, the campaign by bakery supplier AB Sugar, will provide information about sugar in a way which is simple, straightforward and informative. Additionally, it will address the myths around sugar and obesity and help people better understand the link between the energy (calories) they consume versus the energy (calories) they expend.

Titled 'Making Sense of Sugar', the campaign kicks-off with the launch of the www.makingsenseofsugar.com website. It is packed with the latest facts and stats, clarifying some of the confusion behind sugar, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

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The website debunks myths, provides tips on healthy eating and staying active, as well as helping consumers learn about the different types of sugars and how they are used to simple guidance on how to identify sugars within foodstuffs.

Sharon Fisher, Communications Manager of AB Sugar, said: 'We've launched Making Sense of Sugar to inform and educate people about sugar. Our research has found that there is much confusion around health and obesity, especially where sugar is concerned.

'With this campaign, we want to provide factual and helpful information, where people who may be confused or simply want to learn more about sugar can do so and we encourage anyone with an interest in sugar to visit the website and follow us on Twitter to get the latest campaign news and updates.'

Source: IANS

Image source: Getty images

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