Kalki Koelchin reveals trauma of being sexually abused as a child

Kalki Koelchin reveals trauma of being sexually abused as a child

Written by Agencies |Published : April 9, 2014 6:49 PM IST

Kalki KoelchinKalki Koechlin has revealed that she was sexually abused as a child and the reason she didn't speak about it earlier is because for her it's not a one day headline, it's something that's a reality she has lived with for a long time. The Bollywood actress told NDTV that it took her many, many years to even come out and talk about her experience, Gulf News reported. (Read: What to do when your child has been sexually abused?)

The ' Dev D' star asserted that her writing, art and acting is therapeutic for her because it helps her to release things out. She said that everybody has different outlets as long as there are places where you can do that, adding that not everybody has privilege to talk about it openly. Koechlin also urged other women and child ren to talk about it, if not to the world than with someone they can trust. (Read: Child sex abuse it's very much there)

Source: ANI

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