Good cholesterol readings could mean lower chances of Alzheimer's disease

Good cholesterol readings could mean lower chances of Alzheimer's disease

Written by Agencies |Published : December 31, 2013 2:32 PM IST

brain cellsResearchers have said that high levels of 'good' cholesterol and low levels of 'bad' cholesterol are correlated with lower levels of the amyloid plaque deposition in the brain - a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease.

Lead study author Bruce Reed, associate director of the UC Davis Alzheimer's Disease Center, said that their study shows that both higher levels of HDL - good - and lower levels of LDL - bad - cholesterol in the bloodstream are associated with lower levels of amyloid plaque deposits in the brain.

He said that unhealthy patterns of cholesterol could be directly causing the higher levels of amyloid known to contribute to Alzheimer's, in the same way that such patterns promote heart disease. (Read: 8 natural cholesterol busters)

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The study was conducted in 74 diverse male and female individuals 70 years and older who were recruited from California stroke clinics, support groups, senior facilities and the Alzheimer's Disease Center. They included three individuals with mild dementia, 33 who were cognitively normal and 38 who had mild cognitive impairment.

The study has been published online in JAMA Neurology.

What is LDL or 'bad cholesterol'? How can it harm you?

Actually just a 'carrier' and not cholesterol, LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein has earned the 'bad boy' label.

LDL or low density lipoprotein, the 'bad cholesterol' carries cholesterol to the cells of the body. And it doesn't even do this job efficiently. It keeps dropping off debris on the way eventually leading to a build up of cholesterol at various sites along the blood vessel.

Secondly, LDL is much smaller than HDL in size and is able to literally 'sneak in' to the inner wall of the blood vessel leading to a build up on the vessel wall too. To make matters worse, the white blood cells (defense cells) which come to take charge of the chaos and repair the damage caused by LDL, only to cause further build up of material in the location.

What is HDL or 'good cholesterol'? How is it beneficial?

HDL or High Density Lipoproteins and is often called 'good cholesterol'. In a healthy individual 30% of the cholesterol should be HDLs. 'Good' cholesterols are good because they help get rid of excess cholesterol by transporting them from the blood vessels to the liver for excretion. (Read: Cholesterol control mega guide all you need to know to prevent heart disease)

With inputs from ANI

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