Astro health prediction – July 2nd week

Astro health prediction – July 2nd week

Check out this week's zodiac predictions.

Written by Editorial Team |Published : July 5, 2015 7:40 AM IST


Acidity and other digestive system disorders are likely to be a cause of anxiety for some of you this week. Get this treated on priority to remain in general good health. Others may suffer from a persistent cough, for which you are advised to experiment with some alternative medicine, which is more likely to yield long-term benefits.


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No serious health issue is likely to cause any concern to you this week. However, take appropriate preventive measures so that you don't catch some viral infections that may be going around. Middle-aged people need to be careful of not taking too much stress at the workplace. Also, if you are prone to seasonal illnesses, be extra careful when there are disturbances in the weather.


With the ruler of the 6th House, related to health issues, Mars being combusted and posited in the 2nd House, those of you who are suffering from high blood pressure need to avoid stressful situations and get a thorough medical check-up done to monitor the issue. Others are likely to be in the pink of health. However, exercising and having a nutritious diet can help you maintain fitness levels in the long run.


For those of you who have been suffering from a long-standing, though minor, ailment, there is good news that you shall find the appropriate medication this week. Though at first you may be doubtful about its efficacy, when you see its positive results, your confidence in the line of treatment shall increase, and you shall undergo it sincerely. Others are likely to be in the pink of health.


Jupiter posited in your Sign is likely to strengthen your immune system. You are unlikely, therefore, to encounter any major health issues this week. You shall enjoy good general health. However, those of you who are already suffering from some persistent health issues, such as diabetes or asthma, should carefully monitor their condition and not neglect medication.


Barring minor issues like common cold and cough, nothing very serious is foreseen on the health front to cause you any anxieties. However, you would do well to take precautions against unpredictable weather and the infections that it may cause. You could do some yoga and pranayam to keep fit and strengthen your immunity system.


Stress experienced in your workplace is likely to tell on your health. You may catch a cold or cough, or both, which would need immediate treatment. You would do well not to worry inordinately about your work, or it could lead to psychosomatic problems. You need to meditate regularly as it will keep your mind calm and even your work efficiency will improve.


You need to be careful about viral infections this week. You could catch a fever, and it could put you out of action for a couple of days. Apart from taking the appropriate precautions against seasonal changes, you need to start thinking seriously about how to strengthen your immunity system. You could either take some tonics, or even better, start doing yoga and meditation regularly.


Those of you who are middle-aged and above and prone to high blood pressure, need to avoid stressful situations which can aggravate your condition. Learning meditation could do wonders for you as it will help you in remaining calm even under extremely provocative situations. Others may be troubled by minor things such as a toothache or a sore throat, but nothing serious.


There may be issues related to your respiratory system this week, and you should get them treated promptly. If you happen to have a history of cardiac problems, monitor the condition regularly and do not neglect medications. There is a possibility of getting injured accidentally, so take care while driving, or climbing up or down the stairs. Also, be careful while cooking.


With two fiery planets, Sun and Mars posited in the 6th House, you may not have much to worry about on the health front. However, people who are middle-aged and above need to remain watchful as usual. More so, those with cardiac or blood pressure related problems. Others who are enjoying good health must not take it for granted, and take care of diet and exercise to maintain fitness.


The ruler of your Sign, Jupiter is in Leo and posited in the 6th House from your Sign, mainly related to ailments, diseases and adversity. This indicates that you are likely to be stressed this week, on account of some or the other issue. If you are having any chronic or old niggling health issue, be careful and monitor the condition constantly.


Photo source: Shutterstock.com

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