Cold feet: Causes and home remedies

Cold feet: Causes and home remedies
A person with poor blood circulation may also experience cold hands and cold feet frequently.

Some people may experience cold feet when they are in a state of high stress or anxiety. Below we have listed some of the common causes of cold feet and effective home remedies.

Written by Longjam Dineshwori |Updated : September 29, 2020 12:36 PM IST

It is normal to have cold feet and hands during winters. This is because when it's cold, the blood vessels in your hands and feet constrict (spasm) to keep the blood flowing to your vital organs and prevent heat loss from your core. But this reduces blood flow to the extremities, making them feel cold. But some people tend to have colder feet and hands due to some medical causes. Below we have listed some of the common causes of cold feet.

High stress or anxiety

You may also experience cold feet when you are in a state of high stress or anxiety. The body releases adrenaline, also known as the "fight or flight" hormone, in response to stress or nervousness. The adrenaline rush causes the blood vessels at the periphery to constrict, which decreases the flow of blood to the hands and feet, making them cold. In such cases, reducing stress and tension may help reduce symptoms of cold feet.

Poor circulation

A person with poor blood circulation may also experience cold hands and cold feet frequently. This is because they couldn't get enough warm blood to their extremities. Living a sedentary lifestyle or sitting for long hours may reduce circulation to the legs and cause cold feet.

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Smoking, high cholesterol and some heart conditions can also reduce circulation to the legs and feet, leading to cold feet.


Moderate to severe cases of anemia a condition that occurs due to less number of normal red blood cells in the body may also cause cold feet. Anemia may be caused by many factors, including deficiency in iron, vitamin B12, or folate, or chronic kidney disease.

Diabetes mellitus

High blood sugar, which is a defining characteristic of diabetes, can lead to the narrowing of the arteries. This can reduce blood supply to the tissues and cause cold feet. Persistent high blood sugar levels can also lead to diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a form of nerve damage. Tingling or prickling sensations, numbness, or burning pain in the feet and legs are some of the symptoms of diabetic nerve damage.

Nerve disorders

Nerve damage may also be caused by liver or kidney disease, infection, genetics, trauma or injury, such as severe frostbite. These nerve disorders may also lead to regular cold feet.


Hypothyroidism, which occurs when your body doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones, can affect your body's metabolism, which in turn causes a negative impact on circulation, heartbeat, and body temperature. Thus, hypothyroidism can also lead to cold feet.

Home remedies to keep your feet warm and comfortable

Identifying the underlying cause of cold feet is important to reduce the symptom. Meanwhile, there are many home remedies you can try to keep your feet warm and comfortable.

Get moving

Get up and keep moving to improve blood flow to and from the feet and to keep them warm. If you have a desk job, getting up periodically and walking around the office may do the trick.

Wear well-insulated socks

Wearing warm, well-insulated socks or slippers may benefit people with cold feet. This is in fact the simplest way to stay warm and prevent any additional heat loss.

Warm foot baths

Soak your feet in warm water to get instant relief from cold feet by improving blood circulation to the legs. Try this treatment just before bed to relieve tension and relax the muscles.

Caution: This home remedy is not advised for people with diabetic nerve damage. This is because they may not be able to tell if the water is too hot or not, which can lead to accidental burns.

Heating pads or hot water bottles

Are cold feet troubling you at night? Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on the bed near the feet. This will keep the area surrounding the feet warm and help you get a good night's sleep.