Weight Loss Tip #97 – Walk every time you talk on the phone

Weight Loss Tip #97 – Walk every time you talk on the phone

Did you know you can burn up to 36 calories in 10 minutes?

Written by Kriti Saraswat |Updated : February 1, 2016 10:52 AM IST

In today s stressful and hectic world, multitasking is the only way to keep up with the fast pace. But in the rat race, we often forget to take out time for our body. Here s a cool way you can do so without really missing out on your important meetings.

We suggest you start walking every time you get a phone call. Almost every one of us talks two to three times on the phone every day. What do you usually do when you are on a call? Either sitting or lying down or standing. But walking while talking will get you some amount of exercise. Make this a brisk walk is possible and what do you know, you will soon shed those kilos away.

Did you know walking for just 10 minutes can burn up to 36 calories? Just strolling around is enough to do so. So imagine if you are on the phone for 60 minutes in a day, you can burn more than 200 calories which can be higher if you walk fast.

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We know this number is not enough to help you reach your weight loss goals, but it is definitely an interesting way to get some amount of exercise without going to the gym. Combine it with other exercises and you will soon hit your target.

This tip is also great for people who have a sedentary lifestyle as sitting for long hours can do a lot of damage to your health. So the next time your phone rings, don t forget to walk the talk!

Tip: Don't cross the road while talking on the phone as it can be fatal. Here's the right way to walk and lose weight.

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Disclaimer text TheHealthSite.com does not guarantee any weight loss through this method as the results may vary from person to person. We recommend you consult your nutritionist and physician before following any of the tips suggested here.

Image source: Shutterstock

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