Try Swiss ball raise to bring sexy to your back!

Try Swiss ball raise to bring sexy to your back!

This one move will sculpt your shoulders, upper back, lower back and glutes.

Written by Tania Tarafdar |Published : October 13, 2017 12:55 PM IST

It is easy to miss working the sexy muscles of your backside when you are only focused on your abs and legs. But it is never too late to get back to your business and work the muscles of your back. This one move using a Swiss ball or a stability ball will sculpt your shoulders, upper back, lower back and glutes. What s more, it will work your abs and arms at the same time. Here are 5 reasons you are not losing back fat even after spending hours at the gym.

This exhilarating ball workout tones ab, oblique and lower back muscles by making them work harder to keep you balanced on the ball. In this exercise, the shoulder girdle expands and stretches various muscles around the shoulders. So, try out the Swiss ball raise today.

Fitness expert Roshni Shah tells you how you can perform the exercise.

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  • Lie with your face down on the top of a Swiss ball keeping your back flat and your chest off the ball.

swiss ball raise

  • Now raise your arms to a 30-degree angle to your torso until they are in line with your body. Your arms should form a Y.

Swiss ball raise 1

  • Pause for 2-3 seconds and slowly lower your back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions of this exercise. Also, try these 6 exercises for a flexible back.

To lose weight effectively, perform stability ball exercises at least thrice a week for 15-20 minutes. Also, make sure you consult an expert before you start working out on an exercise ball.

Tips to use Swiss ball

  • Swiss balls are found in different sizes, so opt for a ball that is appropriate for your height. The ball should allow you to sit tall with your lower and upper legs at a ninety-degree angle and feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
  • If needed, place the ball against a wall for support while performing exercises. Also, position mats on each side of the ball to keep it steady.

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