Don't let a desk job affect your health. Tips to stay fit at work!

Don't let a desk job affect your health. Tips to stay fit at work!

Sitting for long hours is unavoidable, but there are ways to counter it's ill-effects!

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : August 13, 2015 10:17 AM IST

Sitting is the new smoking we ve all heard this. But given our jobs, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is not possible for most of us these days. If you are one of those who can t hit the gym because of a busy schedule, then don t fret. Fitness trainer, Ankur Sharma gives us simple tips to incorporate in your daily routine to stay fit despite your desk job! Here's our guide to all the things you need to know about being healthy at work.

If you live closer to your office, then it s better to walk, jog or cycle. But if your office is far and you take the public transport, get off a few stops earlier than actual office stop so that you can walk for a few minutes. Similarly, you can also park your car in a parking lot that is little far away. Here's how much you should walk to avoid the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator may seem tedious but it has its benefits. Climbing stairs is the best exercise. Try doing it in the morning when you reach the office, in the evening while leaving and whenever you are going for a meeting to a different floor. It will improve blood circulation, thus burning a lot of calories. Watch this yoga sequence that you should start your day with to counter the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

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Try a few simple exercises in the office itself.

  • Stretching: Stretch your hamstring, gluteus and chest while sitting on your office chair to avoid muscle tightness caused due to long hours of sitting.
  • Strength: Squats on the office chair and wall push ups give strength to your body.
  • Stability: Single leg standing and pelvic bridge are the best exercises to gain stability.

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Source: IANS

Image source: Shutterstock

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