Nutrition tips for professionals who work in a stressful environment

Nutrition tips for professionals who work in a stressful environment

Follow these nutrition tips to deal with burnout syndrome the symptoms of which include emotional exhaustion, and stress.

Written by Tania Tarafdar |Published : November 17, 2017 5:24 PM IST

In today s day and age, our job requires us to be on call 24*7. Whether you are a doctor, an IT professional or a CA, job stress spares no one. The long working hours leave you with very little time for family and also for yourself. Nonetheless, it is imperative to work on the mental, physical and spiritual health, no matter who you are! Recent studies show Burnout Syndrome to be common amongst the doctors. It deals with emotional exhaustion, workload, and dissatisfaction. Nutritionist Karishma Chawla from Eat Right 24*7tells you how to deal with this stress through diet and exercise. Also, make these diet changes if you are depressed.

Food Guide:

  • Eating complex carbohydrates like whole grains (oats/quinoa) or legumes (kidney beans/dals) every 2-4 hours will help sustain energy levels. It helps to be in a right frame of mind.
  • Eating complete lean protein like eggs, lean chicken and fish, skim milk products help in muscle growth and increase your metabolism. Also, the amino acids serve as a fuel to the brain.
  • High fibre foods aid in digestive health and reduce the risk of cancers, diabetes and heart diseases.
  • The immune system is the part of the body that protects you from the constant onslaught of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Nutrients that boost immune function are carotenoids and Vitamin A, C, E.
  • You must take the right antioxidants comprising of vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, CoQ10 and grape seed extract. Essential fatty acids are also important for the brain function. These expert tips will help you beat stress with food.

Quick snacks for the busy professionals:

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  • Cereal (oats/wheat flakes) + skim milk, Cereal+ low Gi fruit + whey made as a smoothie
  • Egg white, or chicken whole-wheat sandwich without mayo or cheese
  • Low GI fruit such as apple/pear
  • Whey powder in skim milk + healthy nuts (almonds and walnuts)
  • Chicken whole-wheat roll.

Stock these in your kitchen:

  • Low GI fruits like apple, pear, orange, sweet lime, guava and papaya
  • Healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts
  • Skim milk and skim curd
  • Egg whites, whey and meal replacement drinks

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