5 surprising health benefits of mud therapy you should know about

5 surprising health benefits of mud therapy you should know about

Mud is endowed with vital minerals that help in absorbing toxins from your body.

Written by Kristina Das |Updated : March 29, 2019 5:19 PM IST

Since time immemorial, mud has been used as a therapeutic agent for various health conditions. You will find references to the various usages of this element of nature in our ancient texts including the epics. Mud is endowed with vital minerals that help in absorbing toxins from your body. That is why mud therapy is considered to be a significant treatment modality in naturopathy. Here are 5 ailments that can be healed with this age-old technique.

Tummy Trouble

When the mud pack is applied to your abdomen, it facilitates your digestion by reducing gas, constipation and stomach ache. It regulates the muscular movements of your gastrointestinal tract and decreases the intestinal heat. Applying mud pack on the lower abdomen also helps in curing loose motion while using it on the chest may relieve nausea.

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Rx: Make a mud pack sized 10 X 6 X 1 . It should be applied for 20-30 minutes on the belly.

Aching Head

The cooling effect of a mud pack does the trick in case of a headache. Apply it on the forehead.

Rx: Soak the mud in water for 30 minutes and lather it evenly on a wet muslin cloth. Thus, a thin uniform layer of a half to one-inch thickness will be formed.

Shrinking Vision

Mud packs provide relaxation to your eyes. They are also useful in curing eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, haemorrhage, glaucoma and stye. They can be beneficial for those sitting in front of the computer for long hours.

Rx: Make a pack in the size of 9 X6 , keeping the thickness to half an inch. Place it on your eyes for 20 to 30 minutes.

Soaring Temperature

A mud poultice helps in bringing down your temperature in case of fever. Apply it on your forehead.

Rx: Pour cooled mud on a strip of cloth and make a bandage in the dimensions of around 20cm X 10cm X 2.5 cm in dimensions.


Mud bath helps in eliminating worries, anxiety, stress and depression by increasing your blood circulation. Naturopaths suggest this therapy for twice a week in case of chronic stress and depression. However, you should avoid this if you have open cuts and sores, cardiovascular diseases or a sensitive skin.

Rx: Fill your bathtub with lukewarm water, and add two cups of mud of your choice. Break the mud clumps and try to mix them with water. You can add essential oils and bath salts if you wish. As the mud dissolves in the water, immerse your whole body into the tub, except for your head. Allow yourself to soak in the muddy water for 20 minutes and then drain the tub. Rinse yourself with warm water. After cleaning yourself dry, lie down peacefully on your bed for at least half an hour.

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