H3N2 Influenza In Delhi: People With Respiratory Illness At Risk, Says Experts

H3N2 Influenza In Delhi: People With Respiratory Illness At Risk, Says Experts
H3N2 Influenza In Delhi: People With Respiratory Illness At Risk, Says Experts

There has been a major uptick in H3N2 influenza cases in the capital of India and also in the adjoining NCR region.

Written by Kinkini Gupta |Updated : January 3, 2023 11:45 PM IST

There has been a major uptick in H3N2 influenza cases in the capital of India and also in the adjoining NCR region. According to reports, the virus has been affecting people of various age groups. But, it has mostly been impacting children. Experts reported to agencies saying that most of the infections that people are suffering from has been diagnosed as influenza.

Reports show that there have been a lot of respiratory tract infections that people are suffering from in the form of these following symptoms: fever, cough, runny/blocked nose, body ache and headache. In most of the cases, these people have been diagnosed with nothing other than influenza A, H3N2, H1N1 and also some other respiratory viruses. Experts state that some people are at more risk than the others. For example, people suffering from pre-conditions like diabetes and lung problems are more prone to getting infected by this infection than other people.

Who Are At Risk?

Experts have stated, "Along with other viruses like Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Rhinovirus. They usually infect children less than five years of age and even more those less than two years. Children may have a high-grade fever, cough and cold. Some children are having severe respiratory problems. This is occurring especially among children less than one year of age, and those with the underlying neurological problem and chronic respiratory problem."

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Most of the patients getting diagnosed with influenza are responding very well to symptomatic care. However, experts warn that people suffering from not just respiratory illnesses but also diseases like underlying lung problems, cardiac patients, diabetics, elderly and immune compromised people, should be extra careful.


Here are some rules experts said people must follow to be safe.

  • Visits to crowded places must be avoided
  • Wearing masks and hand washing is mandatory.
  • High-risk children, like children with Chronic respiratory disease, Chronic renal disease, and immune deficiency should receive a flu shot on a yearly basis.