Diet for cancer patients during and after treatment

Diet for cancer patients during and after treatment

Cancer is a tough disease to fight off and nutrition plays an important role in keep one healthy. Here are diet tips from our expert.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : February 24, 2015 1:48 PM IST

Diet for cancer patietnsMy father, aged 62 years is suffering from colon cancer. He is undergoing various treatments including chemotherapy. Due to this he is very weak and unable to even move out of his bed. I would like to know what kind of nutrition he needs to stay healthy and fight off the cancer.

Answered by Dr. Fatima Chatriwala, dietician, Wokhardt Hosital, Vashi.

Nutrition is a word that is synonymous with everyday life and staying healthy but this aspect is even more important for people suffering from cancer. Chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer treatments can be hard on one's body and such patients need special care when it comes to their food and all-round nutritional requirements. Read about some more diet tips for cancer patients.

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For cancer patients eating extra calories and proteins is imperative as they need the extra nutrition to maintain their strength throughout the treatment process, helps them feel better and speeds up their recovery process.'

I would suggest that your father eat healthy foods like whole grains, pasteurized 100% fruit or vegetable juices, lean meat like fish and chicken and dried fruits. You should also be careful to limit his intake of red meat, processed foods and sugary foods which have a lot of calories but very little nutrients.

A common side effect of treatments like chemotherapy is lack of appetite. Some treatments may even make food taste unpleasant. Despite all these symptoms it's important for him to get adequate nutrition as the body needs a considerable amount of energy to fight off the cancer. Read about chemotherapy and its other side effects.

A high-calorie, nutrient-rich foods such as nuts, beans, puddings, and cooked cereals will go a long way in maintaining his energy levels. Apart from that eating small meals throughout the day at regular intervals and eating fresh and unspoiled/uncontaminated food is the key to maintaining good healthy. Most importantly make sure you feed him even when he does not feel hungry, as his body requires all the nutrition it can get. Read more about cancer and all the treatment options one has.

Here are 8 tips to maintain good nutrition in your father:

  • Keep all perishable foods in the fridge until they are ready to be prepared and eaten.
  • Cook all your meats until they're well done.
  • Avoid eating half cooked or soft boiled eggs.
  • Check expiry dates to avoid food spoilage, and throw away any moldy foods.
  • Prepare food on surfaces that are cleaned with soapy, hot water.
  • Use a separate cutting board for raw meat, fish, or poultry. Wash it thoroughly after each use.
  • Scrub and rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Scrub the outsides, even if you don't eat them, like the rind of a melon.
  • Avoid eating any fruits or vegetables that cannot be washed easily, like berries, grapes, etc.

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