Are You Applying Your Sunscreen The Right Way? Here's How To Use It Correctly

Are You Applying Your Sunscreen The Right Way? Here's How To Use It Correctly
Unfortunately, many people still think sunscreen is not required during winter as the sun is only sometimes visible. The warm sun rays feel pleasant in the cold weather, but the UV rays are equally detrimental to the skin, like in summer. So, we must never skip using sunscreen to protect our skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. A natural sunscreen is ideal, irrespective of all seasons.

Sunscreen should be a part of every skincare routine in every weather. But are you using it correctly? Half of the people don't know how to use sunscreen properly. Bet this expert can help!

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : April 25, 2022 11:51 AM IST

Sunny days are ideal for taking some activity outside, however, the sun rays may cause serious harm to your skin, notably as you're subjected to them in many situations than you might think every time. Just a brief exposure to the sun's radiation could bring damage to your skin if you don't apply sunscreen. Because the skin's surface layer darkens to filter out the sunlight, that golden tan is the first symptom of solar harm. Sunscreen application is essential to avoid severe, irreparable skin problems. Perhaps it's a rainy day, so you've decided to travel to work and enjoy the day inside. Is it still necessary to use sunscreen? The quick answer is without hesitation, yes!

How Does The Sunlight Harm Your Skin?

Although the skin has an inherent defensive reaction, it is inadequate to defend from prolonged solar radiation, including when you're outside for lunch in the scorching early afternoon sun. UVA (ultraviolet A) rays accelerate the ageing process, whereas UVB (ultraviolet B) radiation damage your skin.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation could pass through clouds and even hit you through windows in buildings and vehicles. Although the harm is less severe than that caused by natural radiation, it nonetheless hastens the signs of ageing.

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Important Reasons To Apply Sunscreen Daily

Here's why sunscreen ought to be a part of daily life as among the safest and most inexpensive order to avoid premature ageing and illnesses like skin cancer:

Shields the skin from the damaging UV rays

The sun's UV rays attack the inner skin cells, causing tanning and sunburn. It also results in skin pigmentation and a difference in tone. Sunscreen serves to reduce UV radiation absorption into the skin and shields it from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Defends against premature ageing

The sun's heat dehydrates the skin, causing it to become dull and lifeless. Early ageing signs such as folds, fine lines, and other signs of age are caused by excessive sun exposure. Sunscreen functions as a boundary between the skin and the sun, minimizing premature skin ageing.

Lovely skin

The bulk of wrinkles and sunspots are caused by radiation from the sun. Sunscreen should be a part of your regular skincare routine to prevent your skin from premature ageing. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after towelling off and after getting out of the water.

Skin cancer risk is minimal

The application of sunscreen daily protects the skin from a range of skin illnesses. According to specialists, everyday usage of sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or above lowers the chances of skin cancer by about 40%.

Things To Keep In Mind When Applying Sunscreen

Sunscreen is necessary but applying it the right way is even more important. Here's how it should be applied:

Determine the correct item

When choosing the appropriate sunscreen among the various alternatives, focus on aspects like your type of skin, expected time of sun exposure, and activities in the daylight.

Sunscreen comes in a variety of elements, including creams, lotions, and sprays. Spray sunscreens are easier to use and cover a larger area. For complete and even coverage for the face and neck, a cream sunscreen is preferable.

It is essential to reapply

Remember to reapply sunscreen each two to three hours and also after swimming or bathing, as it is readily wiped off with sweat or touch with water.

Pick the one with the highest SPF

SPF 30 sunscreen is suggested for daily application because it captures 97 per cent of UV rays. SPF 50 catches approximately 98 per cent of UV rays, while SPF 100 captures approximately 100 per cent. As a result, select the sunscreen that is suitable for your sun exposure.

Examine the sensitivity

To prevent an allergic response, do a patch test 24 hours before applying sunscreen. Skin will become sensitive and irritating with age. Take a look at how sunscreen affects your skin. Natural or herbal preparations can be utilized for photoprotection whether you are sensitive to commercial sunscreens.

The Right Way To Apply Sunscreen

Utilize an ounce to treat your full body as a general rule. Do on each sun-exposed part of your body, including your ears, back, shoulders, and the backs of your knees and legs. Apply generously and completely. When putting sunscreen near the eyes, take care.

(The article is contributed by Dr Joseph Thomas, Medical Director, Medlounges)